Pashtun Tahafuz (Protection) Movement (PTM) is a nonviolent rights movement struggling against the oppression of Pashtuns by Pakistan. PTM Holland is the official branch of PTM in The Netherlands. PTM Holland is run by a group of passionate volunteers sympathetic to the struggle of PTM for the rights of Pashtuns in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

PTM Holland is registered as a non-profit foundation at the chamber of commerce in The Netherlands (KvK-nr: 80797520).

Our goal is to support Pashtuns in their fight for basic human rights. We want to ask the world’s attention to the grave human rights violations of Pashtuns by the state of Pakistan. We do this by organizing meetings, peaceful actions and demonstrations. As Pakistan has imposed a total blackout of Pakistani media on the activities and demands of PTM, we have an active social media branch in order to increase awareness about the oppression of Pashtuns and promote human rights…

Together with our European counterparts, PTM Holland wants to be a reliable discussion partner with both national and international human rights organizations, parliaments and policy makers.

Information in Dutch:

PTM Holland (Statutaire naam: Stichting PTM Holland) is geregistreerd bij de KvK onder nummer 80797520.

De bestuursleden van PTM Holland die het beleid bepalen mogen geen andere beloning ontvangen dan een vergoeding voor gemaakte onkosten, de bestuursleden ontvangen geen vacatiegeld.

Financiële cijfers worden na afsluiting van het jaar gepubliceerd.